In response to ever-growing local staff development needs, The Weald Construction Training Group was formed more than 30 years ago.
Our Training Group is a not-for-profit group and supports our local construction companies and construction employees. We help employers access high quality, cost-effective training which is suitable for their individual company needs. We are funded by the CITB Levy and all excess funds are put back into training for our member companies.
Using our bargaining power based on sourcing training for up to 50 member companies, we achieve discounted training rates from Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) and other training providers. We also offer an additional discount to our Group members from our Group funds, saving our member companies up to 40% on training costs.
We organise training, advise on mandatory and skill-specific requirements, assist with funding applications, help access CITB grants, arrange networking opportunities and more.
The Benefits of joining The Weald Construction Training Group are:
- Attend quarterly meetings with like minded businesses
- Access to events to keep up to date with industry updates
- Help with planning, sourcing and securing training for your team
- Assistance with submitting Skills and Training Fund applications from CITB and any other source of funding available
- Save time on booking training
- Take part in local or specialist organisations’ networking opportunities
- Become part of a collective voice
The group is committed to promoting training activity to the construction industry and its wider membership and is open to all Construction employers and associated industries who wish to participate in training.
The group is committed to training in the following areas:
- Health & Safety,
- Apprenticeships
- Craft Trades & Operatives
- Management & Supervisory.
Members are invited to work with our Group Training Manager to initiate a Business plan, including training and growth of your company and employees from concept to completion, assisting all the way with Grants and any funds available to reach your goals.
The group is always looking to increase the provision of courses in the area and is committed to deliver ‘ON DEMAND’ training days. The group has been involved in several initiatives with the local educational Colleges, Construction Activity Days.
The WCTG is platform for local businesses to join forces and work together to up-skill our employees enabling us to thrive and grow as business’ overall providing better opportunities across the county and in our local communities. Together we hold a lot of power.
As a training group we intend to work with local businesses to up-skill and improve the overall delivery of construction activities and fundamentally assist our group members with the growth and success of their businesses. Our underlying core values are to work closely with our members in order for us to gain essential funding that we can then offer significantly discounted training and support. Our own experiences within the board allow us to understand the challenges that our members face, therefore we are sympathetic to your needs and can design our offering to suit members across the group.
The group recognises the value of industry/education links and is keen to become more involved.